Founded 1910

About the Transportation Club of Seattle
The Transportation Club of Seattle has been at the center of the Seattle area transportation community for over 114 years. Founded in 1910, the club was formed to encourage the study by members of transportation issues; promote closer business relationships, promote the welfare of its membership as well as to sponsor educational programs and discussions pertaining to traffic and transportation matters. The club holds monthly lunch and learn meetings throughout the year, provides an annual golf tournament to support the Scholarship Fund and also supports the Salvation Army through its annual holiday auction. The Transportation Club of Seattle is a member of the Logistics & Transportation Association of North America.
On October 1, 1910, Joseph B. Dwyer, agent for the Western Transit Company, arranged a luncheon meeting at the Rathskellar Café. Twenty-seven men, representing the various lines serving Seattle, were in attendance. The following Saturday, October 8, 1910, Frank W. “Pop” Parker was appointed Temporary Chairman and later was elected to become the Club’s first president for 1911. It was further decided to include traffic managers of different industries and limit the membership to those holding positions of chief clerk or higher for railroads and steamship lines.
The Club was named the Seattle Traffic Club. In 1912 the Club was incorporated and the name The Transportation Club of Seattle was selected. Washington State provided incorporation certificate number 22797, mailed November 8, 1912, signed by I.M. Howell, Secretary of State. Time of existence was two years. Capital stock: None. In 1962 the Articles of Incorporation were amended to read “... making the time of existence perpetual” and signed by Secretary of State Victor A. Meyers.
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2025 Corporate Sponsors

July 2025
Four Person Scramble (Best Ball)